Bone Crank is a Trap Room and a Kickstarter Exclusive Promo Card.
"Situated at the deepest center of Seducia's dungeon, the Bone Crank sits in a cavern too cold for the living to survive. With a few turns of the frozen gears, the necromatic magic of the Crank reaches out, sending a deathly chill to the dungeons of her rivals."
-Excerpt from the Strategy Guide
If you deactivate a Room (owned by a lower-XP player) that would have triggered their Boss card’s Level Up ability, that Level Up ability does not trigger until the End of Turn phase, when the room reactivates.
If you deactivate a Room (owned by a lower-XP player) that would have triggered a “When you Build this Room” effect, that effect does not trigger until the End of Turn phase, when the room reactivates.
A card meant to be used for disrupting your foe for a turn for a chance of them getting a wound. Otherwise, this can easily be used as an 'ammo' card for such rooms as the Crushinator or Boulder Ramp.
The card may be a reference the Magic the Gathering card "Icy Manipulator". According to the Magic the Gathering lore the Icy Manipulator is also called the 'Bone Crank' by scavengers.
Though this card is a Kickstarter Exclusive, a new room card in Boss Monster: The Next Level has been designed to replicate the effect of this room, called Frostbat Cave.